
What is The Stay-At-Home Traveller? I’ll answer your question with another question:

What is it to you?

Or, if you’re the Italian mobster-type, what’s it to ya?

I can’t provide an exact description, but I will say that it is probably best described as an eclectic collection of blog posts that aim to provoke conscious thought processes in anyone who reads it. –And maybe (hopefully) make you laugh every now and then.

Quick history lesson:

I had a blog of the same name/domain in 2013 that was similar in nature, but after much deliberation, decided to delete it for fear of being eaten by ravenous caterpillars. R.I.P.

What does all of this mean? Does this blog belong in the trash? Does it deserve a spot in the Internet Hall of Fame? You decide!



Blog logo credits: Made with <a href=”http://logomakr.com&#8221; title=”Logo Maker”>Logo Maker</a>